Saturday, August 7, 2010

When was the last time you were in the shower, or bath tub, the phone rings, you were home alone?

did you get out to answer it,or let it ring,if so who was it?When was the last time you were in the shower, or bath tub, the phone rings, you were home alone?
Let it ring. If it's important, they will call back...........When was the last time you were in the shower, or bath tub, the phone rings, you were home alone?
Yes, someone should invent a shower phone.
walk around naked and answer the phone
Yesterday - I answered it cuz I knew it was my bf (by the ringtone).
All the time, which is why I bring the phone in the bathroom when I take a shower or bath. If it's someone important, I'll answer it.
Actually anytime i'm home alone now I always think the phone is going to ring so I take it in the bathroom with me (a cordless)...Before when I didn't have a cordless I would rnout the shower wholesale and answer it....and it was always someone not worth me interrupting my shower for....
when I am in shower, or bath tub, I let Answer machine do its job
Yesterday !!! and it pissed me off caz as soon as i got in there it go ring, ring, i had to turn the water off because i didn't want them to know where i was at the time.

let it ring,who care
last night
I do the only reasonable thing possible when I home alone and the phone rings I don't answer it. if it is important they will call back. frig letting the phone rule my day.
Last week.

I just let it ring.
This AM. No I never do. It was a dumb@_ss political pollster that left a message.
i let the machain get it
Yesterday evening:I was in the tub.The phone.Got out answered to a stupid survey
I let it ring and check the messages after it is usually no one important.
saturday i was in the shower my mom and rest of my family was at the perry fair but it was my cell phone and it was just my friend i hadn't spoke to in a while
It just happened this morning. I was in the shower and the phone rang, I didn't get it, I let the machine get it. Iy was my husband, he just wanted to tell me that he was thinking of me and how was my morning going so far, and that he loves me. Wasen't that sweet of him? Of course I called him back to let him know that I got his lovely message.
What do you mean last time???, It happens every single time. I just let the phone ring, I do have an answering machine, and star 69.
i always have the phone w/ me ( sad i know ) lol and i only answer if its my hun =0)
I can't hear it ..I don't want to hear it..that is why I let the machine get it...
A very thoughtful and insightful question
I keep my cell phone in the bathroom for this reason. If I recognize the caller id and it's someone important to talk with right away, I'll answer, but if not, I let it go to voice mail and call them back later on.

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