Wednesday, August 25, 2010

I need some info... How do you get your bath tubs and showers clean?

Ok, so we are now about to move and I really want to make this house shine... So how do you clean your tubs and shower and get all of that hard water build up off? I need help, it is bad and I am at my witts end... Please any ideas and advice is appreciated. Thank You.I need some info... How do you get your bath tubs and showers clean?
Spray the shower and tub with vinegar. Sprinkle it with baking soda. When you scrub with a sponge it will make a paste that will dissolve soap scum, lime scale, hard water, body oils, and dirt. It is also a natural disinfectant.I need some info... How do you get your bath tubs and showers clean?
Distilled white vinegar will remove hard water buildup, too.

There are commercial preparations like Lime-Away that might suit your needs better than the plain vinegar, but the vinegar works. You may just need a bit more elbow-grease than you would with other products. Some bathroom cleaners also have detergents in them. If the only problem is hard water build-up, the detergent is just superfluous.

What I would do is pour some on any place you have build up, then use the Magic Eraser another mentioned to wipe the surfaces down. Be careful using the eraser on delicate surfaces - the eraser is a fine abrasive, and will dull some shiny surfaces. I'd avoid using it on semi-gloss paint, for example.

Once the tubs and shower are clean, keep a microfiber cloth in the bathroom, and wipe surfaces down before the water-spots dry and leave little lime deposits behind.
For hard water/lime build up use Lime Away. It works best. I have used it for years...lived on well water all my life (hard water).
*drumroll* use the mr. clean magic eraser!!! it works.
Use some Comet and some elbow grease this really works well.
u can use oxiclean or fabulouso

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