Jaccuzzis and hot tubs do count.How long since you had a bath?? Not a shower...a BATH. Sitting in a tub full of water, relaxing.?
last week. i added seasalts. normally i'd use bubbles, but i ran out (i like baths)
i was planning on having a bath earlier today.... after reading this, i think i'll have one later.
and for people who think it's dirty, why not take a quick shower beforehand? if you use a loofa daily, you shouldn't have nasty flaky bits of skin falling off.How long since you had a bath?? Not a shower...a BATH. Sitting in a tub full of water, relaxing.?
This morning.
Maybe a month
Its been months.. maybe a year.
too long. people shouldnt be focussing attention on me in the first place. Thats the point of hiding
A Hindu once compared tub baths to 'wallowing in one's own filth.' Viva la filth! as far as I'm concerned - but in a Jacuzzi. Showers rock for daily cleansing - tubbing takes too long.
hmm, a loooong time. i think i'll go take a bath right now...with lots of bubbles...
a loooooooooong time..............................
Not too long ago, maybe 2 weeks. I'm under a lot of stress lately, and my fiancee drew a bath and made me get in and relax until I turned pruny. And then he made me dinner!
day before yesterday, i do it all the time for the luxury and pleasure and for the buoyancy. and the bubble bath.
Sunday night.....relaxing, candlelight, glass of wine, nice and hot. Since then two showers though.
a bath simply belongs to my sunday morning
the last time i had a bath was in may
Oh, I bathe regularly. Much prefer it over a shower!
I had a bath last night. I like to take a shower in the morning and soak in the tub at night before bed
maybe 2 yrs ago, I don't like baths, I could never figure out why people liked to sit in a tub of water that contained dead skin cells, dirt, oil, and other body debris
I sit in my Jacuzzi at least 3 times a week. The night before last and the night before I was sitting in there. I had the jets on the last time and I do wash up with soap and all that. I love it, it sits pretty close to the bed in the bed room. So I watch Adult Swim while just chilling.
i can't remember. I personally do not like them.
Over a year ago!!
How do you get over the feeling that you are wasting SOOOo much water just filling the tub???
A bath meaning soaking in a tub of your own filth? Not since I was a child!
may be 2 months ago.......
Last night. I soaked in a hot bath with herbal bubble bath. I relax in the tub at least 3 times a week - it's a great way to re-energize myself after a hard day at work, or a day spent doing chores on the weekend.
ghosh ! maybe a year ago ! why do u ask
i go in our hot tub all the time
I bath when i have time, i really like that, i had a bath yesterday
Something about sitting in a pool of my own filth just doesn't appeal to me.
I mean...seriously....you sit in the tub, and all your sweat and grease and whatever you got on you that day just slide into the bathtub...and then you marinate in it.
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